Thursday, January 23, 2020

Substance abuse hurts US productivity -- it may be worse than ever !

I'm not 
talking about 
legal and illegal
marijuana use,
which tends to 
demotivate people.

I'm talking about 
life threatening
substance abuse.

Opioid overdoses 
finally may have 
leveled off in 2019.

Possibly due to naloxone
( nasal spray form: NARCAN )
that so many policemen
now carry -- an amazing
life saving antidote 
for overdoses that 
I've seen work on 
the live TV show 

This was going to be
a good news article
about opiod deaths.

Don't start cheering yet.

My research turned up
bad news that seems 
to have slipped under 
the mainstream media

The number 
of Americans 
to death 
has more 
than doubled 
over the last 
two decades, 
far outpacing 
the rate of 
population growth.

Researchers from the
National Institute on 
Alcohol Abuse and 
Alcoholism studied 
the cause of death
for Americans 
aged 16 and up 
between 1999 
and 2017. 

They determined 
35,914 deaths 
tied to alcohol 
in 1999,
which doubled 
to 72,558 
in 2017. 

The rate 
of alcohol 
per 100,000 people
soared by +50.9% 
from 16.9 to 25.5.

Over that 
20-year period, 
the study 
that alcohol 
was involved 
in more than 
one million 

Half from liver disease, 
or a person drinking 
themselves to death, 
or a drug overdose 
that involved alcohol.

In 2017 alone, 2.6% of 
roughly 2.8 million 
deaths in the US 
were alcohol-related.

Nine states - Maine, Indiana, 
Idaho, Montana, New Jersey, 
New York, North Dakota, 
Ohio and Virginia -  saw a 
"significant" increase 
in adults who binge drink, 
a dangerous activity 
that can lead to deadly 
car crashes and other 
fatal accidents, 
according to 
the Centers for
Disease Control
        ( CDC ).

who binge drink 
are consuming 
more drinks 
per person.

That number 
has spiked 
472 drinks 
per year
in 2011, 
529 drinks
per year
in 2017, 
a +12% 

The largest 
in recent years 
in these types 
of deaths 
among the
white women !

Substance abuse 
has been plaguing 
Americans, and 
American labor
productivity, for 
many decades. 

It was expected 
to decline as the 
U.S. popoulation
grew older.

I guess the 
were wrong

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