Monday, March 9, 2020

The U.S. had strong employment growth and strong home sales BEFORE coronavirus, which has been over-hyped by the media

The February U.S. 
payroll report was 
by coronavirus
bad news.

February private 
sector jobs
rose 228,000, 
and prior months 
were revised 
strongly upwards. 

That's normally
very good news.

But it is likely that
many new hires
in February 2020
were based on
business results 

The primary  
reaction to 
coronavirus is
shutting down 

So, how many people 
hired in February
ended up not needed
in February ?

When a virus leads to 
shutting down commerce
and production, it causes
a temporary, local

Slowing down 
the spread
of the virus, 
by shutting down 
commerce and 
production, is anti-
economic growth
until the shut-downs

Could be 
for one month,
or a few months.

Ordinary strains
of the flu kill
far more people
every year, yet
stock investors
have never cared.

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