Monday, April 20, 2020

Problems WIth Trump's Plan to Reopen The Economy

The actual economy
re-opening will be 
determined by 
the states, not the 
federal government.

Opening quickly 
increases the risks
of a second wave 
of COVID-19.

The state governor 
would be blamed,
especially if he 
or she was 

Democrat governors
who delay reopening
hurt Trump's chances
of reelection, but then
Republicans in their
states would protest.

When the weather 
gets warm, most 
viruses fade away,
and most people want
to get outside together.

See seasonality charts
for other corona family
viruses, that we hope
will apply to COVID-19:

The Trump Administration 
released a three-phase plan 
for reopening the economy.

Each phase requires 
a 14-day period 
to determine the impact 
on health statistics.

14 days may be too
short, because some
infected people get
symptoms after one
week or more.

So a “new normal” 
Phase 3 would require 
at least 28 days,
assuming a governor
chooses to follow
the Trump guidelines.

Here are the details:

Phase one: 
Most restrictions remain in place, 
but “some large public places — 
including restaurants, movie theaters, 
sporting venues and places of worship 
— would be allowed to operate 
under strict physical distancing 

Elective surgeries could resume 
and gyms could reopen as long as
they maintained physical distancing.”

Phase two: 
Nonessential travel resumes, 
schools reopen, and bars open with 
“diminished standing room occupancy.”

Phase three: 
The “new normal”,
assuming a downward 
trends in cases, allow 
“public interactions” 
with physical distancing, 
and unrestricted staffing 
of worksites, resume visits 
to care homes and hospitals, 
and further ease capacity 
restrictions at bars.

I don't believe any U.S. state 
currently meets the above
criteria for a reduction 
in new COVID infection

After a 14-day downward trend 
in cases, I believe the state 
should have:

widespread availability of tests,

the ability to aggressively 
track cases and people affected,

 the ability to quickly
supply enough medical 
equipment if there is 
a COVID rebound.

Meeting all three of the 
above conditions 
would be challenging.

So I have to expect states
with cases still growing
to wait at least until 
May 15 or June 1
to implement phase 1.

Social distancing 
with large crowds?

Younger people in bars
may not care, but would
older people go to a bar
with a mask on, and sit
at least six feet apart ?

For sports arenas, people 
go through turnstiles, 
visit the bathroom, and
they often buy food 
and drink. 

How could they always 
maintain a six foot 
safety zone?

The same applies 
to church services, 
and public transportation.

One or more Democrat 
governors may delay 
reopening their states 
to be extra safe 
( which would also impair 
the economy, and Trump's 
chances of re-election ). 

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