Thursday, June 24, 2021

AAII Sentiment remains Neutral -- 62% cash recommended for traders

 Data Source:
This is a short term
contrary opinion
market timing indicator:
-- It is bullish when AAII individual
investors are bearish, and vice versa.

This indicator recommended  
very little cash (between 0% and 8%),
from March 18, 2020 to October 28, 2020
Week Ending on June 23, 2021:
63,4% of AAII Investors were bullish
(was 61.1% bullish
= NEUTRAL last week)

Four  Week  Moving  Average: 
64.9% of AAII Investors were bullish
(was 63.5%
= NEUTRAL last week)
Recommended Portfolio Cash
percentage for short term traders: 
 = 62%
(was 59% cash last week)
Data for the Week
ending 6/23/21: 
40.4% were Bullish 
   (was 41.1% last week)
36.3% were Neutral 
    (was 32.7%)
23.3% were Bearish 
    (was 26.2%)
AAII  Indicator Analysis:
    ( over 80% is Bearish )
( 71% to 80% is Moderately Bearish )
( 50% to 70% is Neutral )
( 40% to 49% is Moderately Bullish )
  ( under 40% is Bullish )
This short term
indicator recommends
from 0% to 100% cash
in a stock portfolio,
based on an online survey
of individual investors.
The four-week
moving average,
has much less
volatility than
weekly data.
Active traders
may prefer
the weekly data.

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