Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Economic Logic Stock Market Timing Indicators are Bearish at -3.0 (Range is -7.0 bearish to +7.0 bullish)

Economic  Logic 
  Stock  Market 
Timing  Indicators,

        as of June 15, 2021:
           S&P500 at 4247


Indicator  Total  
-3.0   =   Bearish
 ( Range is -7 to +7 )

The  Seven  Indicators:

    Short  term  indicator                              
(1) AAII  Sentiment  Ratio
---   Neutral at 62.9% bullish,
for the 6/9/21 four-week average 

    Medium  term  indicators 
(2) Election  Year  Cycle
 --- Neutral, 
until the end of 2022
(3) Seasonality  Cycle
--- Bearish, 
from May 2021 through October 2021,
 then bullish for six months
(4) Corporate  Insider  Trading
--- Bearish,
with few large buys in the past month

(5) Federal  Reserve  Policy
 --- Bullish,  after a huge expansion
of Federal Reserve Credit
and the M2 money supply

    Long  term  indicators
(6) S&P500  Price to Sales Ratio
--- Bearish  at 3.12x 
on June 15, 2021
(P/S Ratio updated after every trading day)

(7) S&P500  Dividend  Yield
 --- Bearish at 1.1% 
Assuming that dividends equal 50% 
of the latest S&P500 four quarter earnings
($94.13 for the year ending 12/31/20)

For  the  Indicator  Total:
+3  to  +7         = Bullish
+1.5  to + 2.5   = Moderately Bullish
-1  to  +1          =  Neutral
-1.5  to  -2.5     = Moderately Bearish
-3  to  -7           = Bearish

For  an  individual  indicator:
Bullish                      = +1 point
Moderately Bullish  = +0.5 points
Neutral                      = 0 points
Moderately Bearish  = -0.5 points
Bearish                      = -1 point

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