Friday, June 18, 2021

 If you want something to worry about, global warming is not on my list. On a typical day, your local rise in temperature in the first two hours after sunrise is roughly equal to total global warming over the past 140 years. That's no climate emergency.

Some real problems, if you like to worry:

A not all there president with obvious early dementia.

Open southern border with Mexico:
-- Unprecedented illegal immigration,
human trafficking and drug trafficking.

Drug addiction and deaths.

Unprecedented stock market valuations
and stock margin debt.

Unprecedented debt levels:
-- U.S. national debt exceeds $28 trillion
-- U.S. corporate debt is $11 trillion

2021 inflation growing much faster than wages are.

Average age of US cars and light trucks hit a record 12.1 years in 2020.

Huge numbers of homeless people in big cities, especially in California, and especially in San Francisco.

A huge rise in the crime rate.
--  Suspects are often released back onto the streets within hours.
-- Police resigning and retiring in record numbers

Many cities have huge problems with rats and bed bugs.
-- Chicago is the worst, according to Atlanta-based Orkin, a company that specializes in pest control services. Orkin also ranked Chicago the “rattiest” city in America for the sixth year in a row.

Water supplies are tight in California.
-- Officials in Santa Clara County officials
declared “a water shortage emergency”.

Many are yearning for a return to the good old days.  

That won't happen, except in their dreams.

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