Friday, September 24, 2021

New Home Sales in August up +1.5%, plus July revised up by almost +3% = good news

The 25 year chart below presents a clear picture of the trend, which has been unusually volatile in 2020 and 2021 (the first chart below the text shows the past 12 months)

"Almost no homes with a price of under $200,000 were sold.  This category has died. 

Under-$300,000 homes accounted for only 29% of total sales, down from 35% in August 2020 and down from 42% in August 2019. 

$300,000 to $400,000 homes accounted for 19% of total sales. 

 Over-$400,000 homes accounted for 51% of sales, up from 31% in August 2020, 

with the over-$500,000 homes, which is where the money is, accounting for 31% of sales."

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