Thursday, October 14, 2021

Walmart Worker Warns of Massive Price Increases, Merchandise Shortages


The following is a rush transcript from the Todd Starnes Radio Show, heard week days 12p-3p.

Click here to download the podcast:

Josh is listening to us in Georgia. WDUN
– and I understand, Josh,
you work at a Walmart in Georgia.
What’s going on?
What do you see there?

CALLER: [01:05:37]
Well, we’re noticing that the prices
are going up exponentially.

We’re not getting stock
in like we usually do.

Take, for example, you know,
we’ve seen rib eye steaks.

They went up $12.97 to $18.97.

So I mean, we’re noticing
not small increases,
but we’re noticing 

major increases.

And it’s kind of concerning.

And I understand, you know,
why people come in and
they’re frustrated and they’re mad.

But we just we’re not getting the stuff in.

And it’s concerning to us
and we’re thinking, you know,
what do we do?

You know, because we’re just
an associate, that’s all we are.

TODD: [01:06:18]
So it’s not it’s not your fault, Josh.

But you’re not the one
setting the prices here.

CALLER: [01:06:24]
But, you know, really, my focus
is in the meat department. ...

I could give you a whole list
of different items that I’ve seen,
for example.

You know, scallops they jumped
from $14.98 to $19.34.

You’ve got others at $17 to $23.

I mean, different pictures that I’ve taken
of how the prices have jumped greatly
at just one price change.

TODD: [01:06:58]
George, have you how long
have you worked at Wal-Mart

CALLER: [01:07:03]
For several years now.

TODD: [01:07:05]
Have you seen anything like this?

Have you seen prices this high
since you started working at Wal-Mart?

CALLER: [01:07:11]
No, no, I haven’t.

And what’s concerning is,
and we’ve talked about this is that,
you know, before when
the entire pandemic started,
you know, we had the food,
we had the supply.

But now whenever you go through
the back room, there’s nothing,
there’s nothing in our back rooms
at times.

And it is concerning because
people come to the shelf,
they buy it up.

And I think to myself,
if there’s another rush
like what we had at the
very beginning of the pandemic,
the supply is not there.

It is just simply not there.

And I hate to keep repeating myself,
but it’s concerning to me
being on the front lines
because I don’t know
what anybody can do.

TODD: [01:07:58]
George, I did notice that typically,
you know, when I have to go
to the grocery store,
I normally go right after the show.

It’s two o’clock central time.

Usually it’s a pretty empty store.

That place was packed with people, and I’m wondering if folks are beginning to start the it’s we’re we’re seeing the early stages of the panic buying that we saw during the pandemic.

CALLER: [01:08:22]
Yes, sir, especially when Costco started the limiting of paper goods, for example, like toilet paper and things like that, we started seeing people coming in now.

Right now we we’ve got plenty of toilet paper and stuff of that nature.

But I did see customers coming in here and there and buying things, but I haven’t seen a shortage on that.

But definitely the price increases this year, but it’s come down, maybe a dollar or two.

But when do you think a six dollar increase?

You know, a dollar two?

You know that that’s good, but that’s not great. Now now,

TODD: [01:08:58]
Josh, I want to go back.
You said rib eye steaks. $18.97?

CALLER: [01:09:04]
Yes, that’s a pound,

TODD: [01:09:08]
 that’s a pound, $18.

Not Josh Sweet Mercy.

That’s the apocalypse for me.

Yeah, I may have to. I may have to go.

I may have to start eating lettuce.

I may have to go vegan.

That’s terrible, Josh.."

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