Wednesday, November 24, 2021

"The Future ... Will Be Filled With ... Looting, Rioting And Civil Unrest"


"Our civilization is crumbling right in front of our eyes.

 We have become accustomed to soaring murder rates, mass shootings, extreme degeneracy throughout the entire entertainment industry, violent rioting in our streets and severe corruption on all levels of government.  

... the truth is that what we are experiencing is not even close to “normal”.

We are literally watching our entire society slowly but surely go down the tubes, and it is heartbreaking to watch.

... consider what happened in northern California on Saturday night.  

A mob of more than 80 thieves ... suddenly descended upon a Nordstrom store, and they ransacked the entire place in just minutes … according to a police report from the Walnut Creek Police Department.

    The robbery was over within minutes as thieves armed with crowbars and wearing ski masks streamed out of the Nordstrom into the dozens of cars lining the block.

... During the theft, two Nordstrom workers were punched and kicked, while another was sprayed with pepper spray.

All three individuals were treated for their injuries on scene.

This sort of “organized crime” is becoming increasingly common, but the size and scale of this particular attack was particularly alarming.

This happened in one of the most prosperous areas of northern California ...

    Brett Barrette is one of the managers of P.F. Chang’s restaurant across from the Nordstrom store.

He watched as the bedlam unfolded.

    “I probably saw 50-80 people in like ski masks with crowbars, a bunch of weapons,” he said.

“They were looting the Nordstrom.”

“There was a mob of people,” he continued.

“The police were flying in.

It was like a scene out of a movie.

It was insane.”

Meanwhile, the Louis Vuitton store in San Francisco was also hit by organized looters this weekend.

Many of the looters got away, but police were able to nail a few of them.

Even though this sort of thing is taking place so frequently now, I am still shocked whenever I see these sorts of videos.  

For even more examples, please see my recent article entitled “In Some Parts Of America, Looting Has Become A Way Of Life” (see article below).

Over in Portland, approximately 150 rioters started fires and smashed things up following the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict.

At one point, about a dozen police officers were forced back into a garage by an extremely unruly mob…

    Video captured the moment protesters in Portland cornered police in a garage during riots over the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict.

    The footage shows a crowd of angry protesters aggressively yelling at the police dressed in full riot gear. The group of nearly a dozen officers are seen backing up into a garage.

    The door of the garage slowly closes as the protesters continue to confront the police, with one demonstrator even trying to push open the garage door.

Way too often, the bad guys are starting to get the upper hand in situations like this.

And I think that does not bode well for the troubled times ahead.

... On the other side of the globe, rioting of a completely different nature is happening.  

As authoritarian measures become increasingly extreme, vast numbers of people are standing up and saying that enough is enough…

    Violent protests have broken out against COVID-19 vaccine mandates and lockdowns across Europe amid new tough rules to curb winter waves of the virus.

    Demonstrators angry about the new measures gathered in Austria, Croatia, Italy, Northern Ireland, the French territory of Guadeloupe and the Netherlands to protest the moves.

In Belgium, approximately 40,000 protesters descended upon the capital, and police fired water cannons and tear gas to try to control the crowds…

    Nearly 40,000 people descended on the capital Brussels to protest against new anti-Covid measures banning the unvaccinated from entering restaurants and bars.

    Some protesters were seen throwing projectiles at riot police and in response, officers fired water cannon and tear gas at the group. Police have made some arrests, but it is not immediately clear how many.

Next door in the Netherlands, the violence was even worse.  At one point, police officers actually opened fire on one group of “rampaging rioters”…

    Dutch police have arrested more than 30 people during unrest in The Hague and other towns in the Netherlands that followed an “ orgy of violence ” the previous night at a protest against coronavirus restrictions.

    The violence by groups of youths in The Hague and elsewhere Saturday night wasn’t as serious as Friday night in Rotterdam, where police opened fire on rampaging rioters and arrested 51 people.

By imposing such harsh authoritarian measures during this pandemic, governments in Europe and elsewhere are losing their legitimacy.

And responding to protests with such violence will also result in a loss of legitimacy.

Part of living in a civilized society is being able to trust the government to do the right thing most of the time.

But now we have gotten to a point where large numbers of people in industrialized nations all over the globe do not trust their own governments.

And once that trust erodes far enough, it may get to a point where entire nations become virtually ungovernable by anyone.

Like I said at this beginning of this article, we are watching civilization crumble all around us, and that should make all of us very sad.

We are rapidly plummeting into an abyss of anarchy, madness and chaos, and the days ahead are not going to be pleasant."


"In Some Parts Of America, Looting Has Become A Way Of Life"

"The level of lawlessness that we are now witnessing in the United States of America is absolutely breathtaking.  

On average, thieves are stealing more than 100 million dollars worth of merchandise from our retailers every single day.  

... Sadly, much of the thievery is being committed by highly organized gangs of looters.

Last week, I posted absolutely stunning video of one of those gangs stealing vast quantities of laundry detergent from a retail store in Connecticut…

I shared that video with someone that I trust, and that individual wondered why they hadn’t taken something more expensive like big screen televisions.

Well, now we have video of that exact same group of looters wheeling big screen televisions right out the front door of another store in Connecticut…

These professional looters seem to have no fear of being confronted.

And that is probably because they know that even if they are caught they will never be charged with a felony.  

Many states have changed their laws to be more lenient on shoplifters in recent years, and this appears to be helping to fuel an enormous boom in organized retail theft…

    Gangs of professional boosters have been snatching racks of clothing and other items for years, but the National Retail Federation reports in its most recent survey of retailers that more lenient penalties and prosecution policies are fueling a rise in such crimes.

    “Many states have increased the threshold of what constitutes a felony, which has had the unintended consequence of allowing criminals to steal more without being afraid of stronger penalties related to felony charges,” the trade association reported.

“Nearly two-thirds of retailers report that they’ve seen an increase in the average ORC case value in these states.”

My guess is that the thieves in the two videos are selling what they steal online.

Of course they are far from alone.  

This sort of thing is happening all over the nation ...

    Retail theft is now said to be responsible for $45 billion in annual losses in the U.S., according to one trade association, a figure whose recent growth reflects the disruptions of the pandemic era and the rise of online retail, which has made it easier to resell stolen items.

That is an incredibly high number.

When you divide that figure by 365 days, you get an average of more than 123 million dollars per day.

We are talking about thievery on an industrial scale, and we are being told that some of our biggest cities are where the most extensive looting is happening…

    The top five cities for organized retail crime, in order, were Los Angeles, San Francisco / Oakland, Chicago, New York and Miami, the trade association reported.

Video of blatant thefts from California stores, in particular, have been widely circulated.

In addition to retail theft, there has been an alarming rise in the number of “follow-home robberies” in the Los Angeles area.

Apparently criminals are specifically targeting highly vulnerable people.  

Once a sufficient target has been identified, the crooks follow the target all the way home before robbing the individual…

    Due to an increase in violent street robberies, Robbery-Homicide Division has become aware of an ongoing crime trend of follow-home robberies.

Suspects have been locating victims in Los Angeles, following them, and then committing the robberies as the victim arrives home or at their business. …

These crimes have occurred throughout the City of Los Angles as well as neighboring cities.

Different suspects have been identified and arrested for these types of crimes.

It is important to understand that the environment in our country has dramatically changed.

If you notice a suspicious vehicle following you toward your home, take several unexpected turns in order to confirm that you are indeed being followed.

Once you have confirmed that it is happening, do not proceed to your house.  Instead, I would drive directly to the nearest police station.

Sometimes professional criminals are not just satisfied with robbing you.

... an 82-year-old woman ... dead woman in Las Vegas was dismembered and buried in her backyard by a group of squatters before they moved into her home and took over her finances, according to police.

    In April of this year, police discovered the body of 82-year-old Lucille Payne buried in the backyard of her home located on Shore Breeze Drive, according to local news station KLAS-TV’s Investigative Team (I-Team).

... Seattle has become so dangerous that the city can no longer protect its own employees, with security guards now escorting them after they finish work.

    King County’s new ‘walking bus’ will debut on November 15, and see council workers based in Downtown Seattle and nearby Pioneer Square escorted to a nearby train station and ferry terminal each evening before being left to continue their commute home.

This is what our country has become, and it is only going to get worse.

Meanwhile, as our nation descends into total lawlessness, our military is focusing on becoming more “woke”…

    The Marine Corps, the smallest U.S. military force, has plans for a big overhaul designed to address its lack of diversity and problem with retaining troops.

    The goal that’s driving what amounts to a cultural shift within the service, is for the Marines “to reflect America, to reflect the society we come from,” Gen. David Berger, commandant of the Marine Corps, said in an interview with NPR’s Morning Edition.

... It is almost as if our national leaders are living in a completely different reality from most of the rest of us.

The very fabric of our society is coming apart at the seams all around us, but meanwhile they are seemingly obsessed with playing politically correct games.

We are deeply, deeply sick as a society, and it appears to be getting worse with each passing year."

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