Saturday, April 9, 2022

FROM THE UK: Biden’s “booming economy” is just another front in the media’s war on reality


Carefully  Selected  Quotes
by Ye Editor

"Did you know the U.S. economy was booming? This may come as a shock to anyone out there who a) is alive or b) has to buy things, but it’s definitely true. MSNBC and the New York Times said so.

... NBC report “President Biden’s approval rating has fallen to lowest level of his presidency despite booming economy”, and Hasan just doesn’t understand why people would be “unhappy with the way Biden is handling the economy” when wages are growing and they’ve added a “record 6.4 million job” in 2021.

Now, OK, that reported 4.5% wage growth is lagging way behind inflation, meaning in real terms people are being paid less. Yes, alright, the “new jobs” were really just (some) of the people who lost their jobs during lockdown being rehired. And fine, the reason spending is increasing could be that everything costs more.

... Now, some booming economy deniers ... will doubtless point to all the “evidence” that the US economy is not booming.

They’ll probably point out that
inflation is at a 40 year high,
 and likely to keep on rising.

That the current price of gas
is the highest ever in US history.

That the US is expected to enter
a recession by the end of the year.

That house prices are increasing so fast
that experts are predicting a “housing bubble”.

That “homeless camps” and “tent cities”
with populations in the thousands
are popping up in dozens of cities.

That the “crippling sanctions” placed on Russia
seem to have “accidentally backfired”
and hurt the US economy badly.

And, most of all, that moves are afoot
which could see major oil trades
being done in Yuan, not dollars.

... the story is more insidious than just a lie, or even re-inventing the meaning of words. It’s an illustration of how far removed from the world of the real our “reality” can become.

In the 50s and 60s, a single full-time job could feed, clothe and house a family of four. Now every family needs at least two incomes just to get by. Millions of people work multiple jobs and struggle to make ends meet.
The UK has food banks readily discussed in the news every day. For most of my life the UK did not have food banks, I had never heard of them before I was thirty.

A relative of mine once told me a story about traveling to South America in the 1980s and seeing the first homeless person she had ever seen. Now, millions of unfortunate people are forced to live on the streets all across the Western world.

... Everywhere you shop you buy less and spend more. If all of that can be translated into “booming”, then “the economy” itself becomes a nonsense concept so abstract and removed from real-life experience that it is either entirely fictional or completely irrelevant.

We just lived through a fake (exaggerated Ye Editor) pandemic.
We know we have rigged elections.
“The economy” is apparently meaningless.

How much of what we see and hear in the mass media has any grounding in reality at all? We know it’s not 100%, and it could easily be as little as none.

The only “truth” is the headlines, which report nothing but covert advertising for the status quo or pump out outrage porn designed to divide society along carefully constructed fault lines, and distract from the simple truth – everything is getting worse and they’re doing it on purpose.

... the truth is that almost everyone works more
and has less. Worries more, enjoys less.
Fears more, thinks less.

... They are trying to make you poor, they said so.

Fly less. Drive less. Shower less. No meat.
No sugar. No alcohol. Rent don’t buy.
Own nothing. Be happy.

... They want you to “reject the evidence of your ears and eyes”, because making people believe a lie – especially an obvious, irrational, impossible lie – is the purest form of power and the ultimate form of control. Orwell was right about that, as he was about so much else."

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