Thursday, April 21, 2022

OY VEY DEPARTMENT: Germany's Inflation is +30.9 Percent in March 2022, year over year, the highest since 1949


... "Inflation is reaching historical rates after the mismanagement of COVID.  First the US, now Germany is reporting massive inflation rates. The US is at historical inflation highs not seen in 50 years.  Some inflation measurements we have never seen before.

 BIDEN ECONOMY: Producer Price Index Reaches 11.2% – Surpassing Its All-time High  Now Germany is reaching inflation at historic amounts.  

The Conservative Treehouse reports:
     The German government released their version of the producer price index for inflation, and they are reporting 30.9% inflation for products leaving German factories.  [DETAILS HERE] That’s the highest rate of inflation since shortly after the second world war.

    The inflation rate is being driven mostly by energy costs which are more than 80% higher than last year.   However, each nation’s overall inflation rate is also driven by the amount of central bank spending they used during the COVID economic lockdowns.  

The more any government spent on subsidies, the more money they printed, the more they devalued their money and subsequently, the higher their current rate of inflation.

Germany will have to import more Russian oil to keep prices down.  Ukraine will not like that. The US and the world are in a mess."

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