Thursday, April 21, 2022

Wirds of Wisdom

The greatest evil
is indifference
toward evil.

An argument is two people
trying to get in the last word.

After all is said,
and done,
more is said,
than done.

People tend to make
rules for others,
and exceptions
for themselves.

A wise man
changes his mind;
a fool, never.

A wise man has
something to say;
a fool has to
say something.

The truth of a matter,
is not determined by
how many people
believe it.

A handful of common sense,
is worth a bushel of learning.

Some of the best arguments
are spoiled by people who know
what they are talking about.

Jumping to conclusions,
is not nearly as good
a mental exercise,
as digging for facts.

Political speeches
are like the horns on a steer
 -- a point here and there,
and a lot of bull in between.

There is only one fact
politicians need to know:
most people have
very short memories.

Some people
take the money and run;
politicians run,
and then take the money.

Americans used to say,
"Give me liberty."
Today they just say,
"Give me."

In America
there is much complaint,
with little suffering
 -- in some countries
there is much suffering,
with little complaint.

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