Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Biden’s economic policies are so bad even Jeff Bezos hates them


"Everything that the Biden administration touches fails. The motivation behind these policies is still unclear. Epic incompetence, ideological blindness, or a deliberate intent to destroy America, either to impose martial law or have a complete socialist takeover, are all ideas that are being bandied about.

But the failure is obvious that Jeff Bezos, who has turned the historically pro-Democrat Washington Post into a hard-left redoubt for the extreme end of the Democrat party has openly, loudly challenged Biden’s insistence that raising corporate taxes will end inflation.

It all started with an utterly inane and economically backward post from Joe Biden’s Twitter account:

    You want to bring down inflation?
    Let’s make sure the wealthiest corporations pay their fair share.
— Joe Biden
May 13, 2022

In fact, increasing taxes on corporations increases inflation. That’s because corporations don’t pay taxes. Instead, they pass taxes to consumers in the form of higher costs or to employees in the form of layoffs. Worse, they give the government more spending money and that spending, as Milton Friedman explains is the real source of inflation:

    Biden VS Milton Friedman
— Wall Street Silver
May 10, 2022

But again, reality is not on the Biden administration’s radar. Everything it does increases inflation. And at least, when it comes to corporate taxes, Jeff Bezos has a problem. Last week, he fired his first salvo about the Biden tweet’s epic misinformation:

    The newly created Disinformation Board should review this tweet, or maybe they need to form a new Non Sequitur Board instead. Raising corp taxes is fine to discuss. Taming inflation is critical to discuss. Mushing them together is just misdirection.
— Jeff Bezos
May 14, 2022

Then, the Biden administration boasted about decreasing the deficit. Neoliberal, a Twitter account holder, explained that what actually lowered the deficit was the end of stimulus spending and the fed’s increased tax hauls due to inflation:

    This is so silly. The deficit is decreasing because we’re not doing pandemic aid anymore, and federal receipts are up because of inflation. Congress, or the Biden administration, didn’t do anything to lower the deficit.
— Neoliberal
May 15, 2022

Bezos thought Neoliberal’s take was worth retweeting, with his added commentary about the current administration’s effort to print even more money, a disaster-in-the-making from which Joe Manchin saved America:

    In fact, the administration tried hard to inject even more stimulus into an already over-heated, inflationary economy and only Manchin saved them from themselves. Inflation is a regressive tax that most hurts the least affluent. Misdirection doesn’t help the country.
— Jeff Bezos
May 15, 2022

Ignoring the advice about never going into a battle of wits unarmed, a White House hack named, Andrew Bates, a deputy White House press secretary, decided to put Bezos in his place:

    White House responds to Bezos criticism, points out the very richest would pay more under WH agenda

    WH also points out Bezos' criticism of Biden comes after the president met with Amazon labor union leadership

And to prove that this is an officially talking point, the new White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre said much the same:

    ‘It’s not a huge mystery why one of the wealthiest individuals on Earth opposes an economic agenda … asking the richest taxpayers and corporations to pay their fair share’ — Press sec Jean-Pierre responds to Fox News’ Doocy's questions on Bezos and Biden’s plan to reduce inflation
— NowThis
May 16, 2022

If it were me, I wouldn’t publicly attack someone who helped me get into the White House but the Biden administration is no longer operating from a rational strategic basis. It knows it has only 2.5 years of executive orders left with which to “fundamentally transform” America, even if that means alienating its allies. And the White House certainly seems to have angered Bezos:

   Doing their best to add another $3.5 TRILLION to federal spending. They failed, but if they had succeeded, inflation would be even higher than it is today, and inflation today is at a 40 year high.
— Jeff Bezos
May 16, 2022

While I dislike Bezos, he’s right. Referencing Milton Friedman, above, the sole responsibility for inflation rests with the federal government, which badly needs its wings clipped.

It’s rather impressive how leftism on steroids is turning fabulously wealthy Democrats—Musk, and now Bezos—into something more closely resembling conservatives. America just needs to hold out a bit longer to give Biden and his party a chance to destroy themselves before they destroy America."

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