Monday, May 16, 2022

ESG Investing is the Perfect Storm Against Capitalism to Destroy Our Way of Life, by Jay Lehr, Ph.D.


"Every Woke, Liberal, Progressive, and straight out Socialist will tell you that Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing is an investment strategy you can use to put your money to work with companies that strive to make the world a better place.

What it really is, is an anti-energy, anti-development, and anti-America strategy that helps to destroy our ability to produce low-cost, reliable energy.

Alex Epstein at says that “ESG poses as a moral and financially savvy movement that is an immoral and financially ruinous movement. It prevents poor countries from developing and threatens America’s security.

Few knew what the initials “ESG” meant 5 years ago, but it is well-known today among corporate investors. One hundred and eighty CEOs recently signed a Business Roundtable statement on business purpose. They have agreed to move away from trying to improve business and the investment outcome for its stockholders, focusing instead on goals involving political objectives.

    Whoever gave banks this sort of control over the world to collude to reshape economies and energy infrastructure? The answer is the notorious World Economic Forum whose rich members meet annually in Davos, Switzerland, to discuss taking over the world under the leadership of Klaus Schwab, author of the now-infamous Great Reset, which describes how these jet setters hope to accomplish this.

Depriving citizens of the more than 6,000 products that were non-existent before 1900, made from the oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil, is immoral and evil as extreme shortages will result in billions of fatalities from diseases, malnutrition, and weather-related deaths.

The pretense of liberal investment advisors that the market has long focused on social and environmental issues for companies that they invest in ⏤ is simply not true.

A reading of the 1974 Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) shows that it was written to set minimum standards to ensure financial soundness for the employees. Late last year, the Department of Labor (DOL) published an additional rule aimed at fiduciaries of employee benefit plans.

The new rule states clearly in section C1 that “plan fiduciaries are not permitted to sacrifice investment return to take on additional investment risk to promote non-pecuniary benefits.”

Liberal financial advisors are ignoring this rule as they accept ESG scores from third-party progressive evaluators of scores given to companies based on their environmental concerns, their social responsibility, and the way in which the companies are governed. The latter can be based on diversity and, believe it or not, their support for LBGTQ.

Blackrock, the world’s largest fund manager, is promoting ESG as a marketing pitch to younger investors who are more interested in improving society than investment returns.

They ignore ERISA and write their own investing rules and ignore a more honest approach of attempting to repeal ERISA. They do not attempt that as it would alert young investors to the real rules for equitable investment clearly include political motivations.

A little-known fact is that the ESG movement was drummed up by the United Nations, not exactly a financial behemoth. They likely recognized what Ron Stein said in an article at on January 17, 2022, that ESG really stands for Extreme Shortages Guaranteed.

They were surely guided entirely by socialist goals, and the elimination of fossil fuel utilization around the world. The number one issue giving companies a high ESG score is their efforts to abandon fossil fuels or investment in them.

In doing so, the UN has greatly caused the price of energy to increase and deprived the poorest nations of the opportunity to advance their standard of living through inexpensive energy.

The ESG movement is starving energy companies of new investment, but more important yet is that it increases the costs of everything because almost everything requires the input of a hydrocarbon derivative.

    To quote Ron Stein again in the most serious manner, products based on oil include the entire medical industry, the military, the airline industry, all electronics, communication, shipping, and asphalt for roads and fertilizers to grow our food.

These ESG caring people are crazy. But it gets even worse. Almost the entire banking industry has joined an alliance to promote a net-zero economy, meaning investing in things that produce no carbon dioxide. Such a plan eliminates the hope of reducing millions of childhood deaths each year from the lack of the fossil fuel derivatives used in wealthier countries.

The ESG movement is also an enormous threat to our security and that of the free world. Depriving us and other countries of inexpensive energy gives the edge to China ⏤ which aims to become the dominant force in the world.

The movement claims to be able to generate more income for investors though there are no numbers to support these claims. They do not come from your stockbroker but rather the liberal cabal trying a capitalist seeming plan to bring on more failed socialism in our world. They are the wolves parading most assuredly as sheep.

ESG is underpinning an emergent parallel government to that which we elect with its capital on Wall Street, says Matt Levine, a lawyer, and former Goldman Sachs investment banker, in Bloomberg Opinion on June 25, 2020. It consists of a handful of gigantic institutional asset managers, including Blackrock, Vanguard, Fidelity, etc., who own on behalf of their customers most of the stocks of most of the public companies.

These asset managers tell companies to do things that they think are good for society. No longer about just business, it is about how society should be run, decisions on the environment, workers’ rights and racial inequality, and other controversial political topics.

Robert Darrell said in an essay at the Real Clear Foundation titled Capitalism, Socialism and ESG: “that a handful of Wall Street titans should make decisions on behalf of society, gives an ironic twist to the term inclusive capitalism ⏤ which in truth, is the essence of insider capitalism.

It would be hard to imagine a more effective way to undermine the legitimacy of capitalism than to have financial oligarchs usurping the functions of democratic institutions and the legitimacy of the ballot box by making political and societal decisions.”

There are no words too strong to describe the evil intent of the ESG movement unless, of course, you are Marxist, Progressive, Liberal, Socialist, or dare say, Communist who sees Capitalism as Dracula would see a wooden Cross.

The battle over ESG is for the future of capitalism. Only capitalism has generated economic growth and improved living standards among the world’s competing systems. It is not an instrument of political power. It is not intended to weaponize financial powers. 

It is intended to maximize the economic benefits and level of happiness for the citizens who are fortunate enough to live within it. Next time you hear or read the words ESG, don’t just sit there ⏤ strike a blow for liberty by explaining its evil intent to others."

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