Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Gasoline Hits New All-Time High 21 Days After Biden Said His Plan Would Lower Prices


"Three weeks ago on May 10, President Joe Biden delivered remarks on the economy in which he again paid lip service to the "number-one challenge facing families today: inflation." Biden continued saying "I know that families all across America are hurting because of inflation," a problem that his administration only recently began acknowledging as a serious problem after previously saying it was merely "transitory," implying the rising costs for everyday goods and services would subside. But they haven't — they've only worsened to reach and stay at four-decade highs. 


Nevertheless, Biden claimed that — then at least — he was "taking inflation very seriously" and said the issue afflicting Americans and further sinking his approval numbers was his administration's "top domestic priority" before he again blamed the usual suspects: the COVID-19 pandemic and variants that shattered Biden's campaign promise to "shut down the virus" instead of the country and its economy and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 

The excuses are lazy, but Biden and his administration continue to trot them out rather than accept any responsibility for their spending binge and other economic policies that created the economic quagmire now causing Americans pain. 

Somewhat bizarrely, Biden claimed he could "taste" Americans' frustration with high prices and said "there are things we can do and we can address and we need to do." To that end, Biden said he was taking action that would "further drive down prices" paid at the pump that have been rising ever since Biden took office and began gutting American fossil fuel production on his first day. 

Well, since the day before Biden made his remarks, acknowledged the hardships caused by inflation, and offered his plan and policies that would "drive down prices" when Americans fill up their tanks, the national average for a gallon of gas has increased more than 28 cents. 

On May 10, when Biden made his promise to reduce gas prices, the AAA national average for unleaded was $4.374. As of Tuesday, the national average stood at $4.622 — another all-time record-high cost — three weeks after Biden promised his plan to allow more biofuels and draw unprecedented amounts from the nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve would lower the prices paid by Americans. The quarter+ jump in prices since the last Biden speech in which he appeared to be taking action — that didn't do what he said it would — means gas today is 44 cents more than one month ago and more than $1.57 more expensive than it was at this time last year. 

In many states Tuesday, their average prices per gallon were even higher than the national average. In California, gas is now $6.165/gallon. Hawaii, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, and Illinois are all above $5/gallon averages. The cheapest state average in the country is now Kansas, where gas is currently $4.129/gallon. 

Townhall reported on a similar Biden speech given on March 31 filled with promises of reduced fuel costs, followed by the opposite of what the president said his plan would do. Each time President addresses gas prices, it turns out to be just more false hope and promises given month after month as Americans hope Biden is right and things will change — but they haven't, and gas prices don't show signs of decreasing significantly in the summer days ahead."

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