Friday, November 11, 2022

Links to the best financial articles I read today, November 11, 2022

 Services Inflation Spiked to Second Highest in 4 Decades, Would Have Spiked to Highest, If Not Slowed by Biggest-Ever Mega-Adjustment of Health Insurance CPI   Services Inflation Spiked to Second Highest in 4 Decades, Would Have Spiked to Highest, If Not Slowed by Biggest-Ever Mega-Adjustment of Health Insurance CPI | Wolf Street

Real Wages Fell for the Nineteenth Month in a Row in October as Inflation Remained Entrenched  Real Wages Fell for the Nineteenth Month in a Row in October as Inflation Remained Entrenched | Mises Wire

Bad News Is Good News – Wall Street Greatly Celebrates the Latest Economic and Financial Disasters, by Michael Snyder  Bad News Is Good News - Wall Street Greatly Celebrates The Latest Economic And Financial Disasters (

How Should You Choose Your Asset Allocation?  How Should You Choose Your Asset Allocation? (

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