Thursday, November 24, 2022

Links to the best financial articles I read today, November 24, 2022

 Why China Will Win (In 1 Simple Chart)  Why China Will Win (In 1 Simple Chart) | ZeroHedge

Thanksgiving Dinner Cost Soars 20% From 2021, Biden Admin Blames Climate Change & Putin  Thanksgiving Dinner Cost Soars 20% From 2021, Biden Admin Blames Climate Change & Putin | ZeroHedge
"US Flips Into Withdrawal Season" As NatGas Prices Surge  "US Flips Into Withdrawal Season" As NatGas Prices Surge | ZeroHedge
Goldman Explains Why "The Only Good Thing" About EU's Proposed NatGas Cap Is That It's Unlikely to Ever Be Triggered Goldman Explains Why "The Only Good Thing" About EU's Proposed NatGas Cap Is That It's Unlikely To Ever Be Triggered | ZeroHedge
Massive Cancellations Make Mess of Already Low New-House Sales. Inventory Glut at Deep Housing Bust 1 Level. Buyer Traffic Plunges  Massive Cancellations Make Mess of Already Low New-House Sales. Inventory Glut at Deep Housing Bust 1 Level. Buyer Traffic Plunges | Wolf Street
Very Serious Shortages Of Amoxicillin, Augmentin, Tamiflu, Albuterol And Tylenol Have Erupted All Over The United States, by Michael Snyder Very Serious Shortages Of Amoxicillin, Augmentin, Tamiflu, Albuterol And Tylenol Have Erupted All Over The United States (

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