Sunday, November 27, 2022

Links to the best financial articles I read today, November 27, 2022

EU Accuses Washington of Making a Fortune from Ukraine War  EU Accuses Washington Of Making A Fortune From Ukraine War | ZeroHedge

Biden's 'Buy American' Rules Undermining Infrastructure Spending  Biden's 'Buy American' Rules Undermining Infrastructure Spending | ZeroHedge
Oil Market Metrics Signal Sufficient Supply and Weakening Demand   Oil Market Metrics Signal Sufficient Supply And Weakening Demand |
Foxconn Riot Could Cut China iPhone Production by More Than 30%  Foxconn Riot Could Cut China iPhone Production By More Than 30% | ZeroHedge
U.S. gives Chevron go ahead to pump oil in Venezuela again  U.S. gives Chevron go ahead to pump oil in Venezuela again (
College Loans and Hazlitt's Lesson: Ignoring the Larger Picture   College Loans and Hazlitt's Lesson: Ignoring the Larger Picture | Mises Wire

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