Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Links to the best financial articles I read today, November 8, 2022

Used-Vehicle Wholesale Prices Plunged, but Not Retail Prices; They’re Still in the Ridiculous Zone   Used-Vehicle Wholesale Prices Plunged, but Not Retail Prices; They’re Still in the Ridiculous Zone | Wolf Street

Today's Inflation Surge Should Discredit Modern Monetary Theory Forever  Today's Inflation Surge Should Discredit Modern Monetary Theory Forever | Mises Wire
11 Signs That Economic Activity Is Plunging, by Michael Snyder   11 Signs That Economic Activity Is Plunging Off A Cliff (theeconomiccollapseblog.com)
UK To Announce A Stealth Tax Raid On Pensions   UK To Announce A Stealth Tax Raid On Pensions | ZeroHedge

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