Thursday, December 1, 2022

Links to the best financial articles I read today, December 1, 2022

"Gloomiest In a Decade" - US Manufacturing Surveys Tumble into Contraction  "Gloomiest In A Decade" - US Manufacturing Surveys Tumble Into Contraction | ZeroHedge 
"Gloomiest In a Decade" - US Manufacturing Surveys Tumble Into Contraction  "Gloomiest In A Decade" - US Manufacturing Surveys Tumble Into Contraction | ZeroHedge
Continuing Jobless Claims Hit 10-Month Highs -- Layoffs Explode in November Continuing Jobless Claims Hit 10-Month Highs As Layoffs Exploded In November | ZeroHedge
Fed's Favorite Inflation Signal Dips (Holds Near 40 Year Highs) As Savings Rate Crashed   Fed's Favorite Inflation Signal Dips (Holds Near 40 Year Highs) As Savings Rate Crashed | ZeroHedge
Fear Gauge Suggests US Labor Market May Break Soon  Fear Gauge Suggests US Labor Market May Break Soon | ZeroHedge
Layoffs, Quits, Job Openings, Hires, Wages: No “Landing” Yet for Job Market, Eager Employers Quickly Hire Laid-off Workers  Layoffs, Quits, Job Openings, Hires, Wages: No “Landing” Yet for Job Market, Eager Employers Quickly Hire Laid-off Workers | Wolf Street
Who Pays Wealth Tax: The Rich or the Poor?   Who Pays Wealth Tax: The Rich or the Poor? | Mises Wire
The U.S. Economy Just Took A Very Dark Turn, by Michael Snyder The U.S. Economy Just Took A Very Dark Turn (

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