Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Links to the best financial articles I read today, December 14, 2022

Digital Currency: The Fed Moves Toward Monetary Totalitarianism Digital Currency: The Fed Moves Toward Monetary Totalitarianism - LewRockwell

The Financial Foghorn Is Blowing, But Few Heed Its Warning  The Foghorn Is Blowing, But Few Heed Its Warning - RIA (
Glimmer of Hope that Rate Hikes & QT Pushed Down Inflation or Just Another CPI Head Fake? (The Fed Warned on Head Fakes)   Glimmer of Hope that Rate Hikes & QT Pushed Down Inflation or Just Another CPI Head Fake? (The Fed Warned on Head Fakes) | Wolf Street
Real Wage Growth Falls for the Twentieth Month as Biden Celebrates Seven-Percent Inflation   Real Wage Growth Falls for the Twentieth Month as Biden Celebrates Seven-Percent Inflation | Mises Wire
Capitalism Does Not Create Social Inequality   Capitalism Does Not Create Social Inequality | Mises Wire
U.S. Vegetable Prices Increased By A Whopping 38 Percent In November, But They Say Inflation Is “Under Control”, by Michael Snyder   U.S. Vegetable Prices Increased By A Whopping 38 Percent In November, But They Say Inflation Is "Under Control" (
CPI Cools Significantly in November but Rent and Food Still Sharply Increasing  CPI Cools Significantly in November But Rent and Food Still Sharply Increasing - Mish Talk - Global Economic Trend Analysis
Tesla Continues Slow Bleed After Goldman Lowers Price Target   Tesla Continues Slow Bleed After Goldman Lowers Price Target | ZeroHedge

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