Sunday, December 4, 2022

Links to the best financial articles I read today, December 4, 2022

 The Jobs Report in Light of what Powell Said: The Fed Can't Create Supply of Labor -- it Can Slow the Demand for Labor  The Jobs Report in Light of what Powell Said: The Fed Cannot Create Supply of Labor, But it Can Slow the Demand for Labor | Wolf Street

Total Employed Workers Fell Again in November as Savings and Incomes Fall Total Employed Workers Fell Again in November as Savings and Incomes Fall | Mises Wire
Some Thoughts on Active vs. Passive, Bear Markets vs. Recessions, Inverted Yield Curves   Some Thoughts on Active vs. Passive, Bear Markets vs. Recessions, Inverted Yield Curves & Holiday Weight Gain (
Ukraine Wheat Harvest Crushed Expectations: Satellite Analysis  Ukraine Wheat Harvest Crushed Expectations: Satellite Analysis | ZeroHedge
Apple Accelerating Supply Chain Retreat From China After Factory Chaos  Apple Accelerating Supply Chain Retreat From China After iPhone Factory Chaos | ZeroHedge

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