Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Links to the best financial articles I read today, December 6, 2022

Global Wages Take A Hit As Inflation Eats Into Paychecks  Global Wages Take A Hit As Inflation Eats Into Paychecks | ZeroHedge

BofA Finds Increasing Number Of Wealthier Americans Now Shop At Value Supermarkets  BofA Finds Increasing Number Of Wealthier Americans Now Shop At Value Supermarkets | ZeroHedge
$1,768 a Month, with $10,407 Down, 5% APR, on a Ford Pickup? Update on Q3 New-Vehicle Finance  $1,768 a Month, with $10,407 Down, 5% APR, on a Ford Pickup? Update on Q3 New-Vehicle Finance | Wolf Street
Do Falling Prices Cause or Predict a Recession?  Do Falling Prices Cause or Predict a Recession? | Mises Wire
Could 65 Trillion Dollars In “Hidden” Derivatives Cause the Entire Global Financial System to Crash?, by Michael Snyder  Could 65 Trillion Dollars In "Hidden" Derivatives Cause The Entire Global Financial System To Crash? (theeconomiccollapseblog.com)

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