Thursday, February 6, 2020

China Update -- Four Plagues at the Same Time !

The FOUR are:
African Swine Fever, 
H5N1 Bird Flu, 
H1N1 Swine Flu,

The world 
is alarmed
over the

But ...
the coronavirus 
outbreak is just 
the latest plague 
to hit China !

President Trump
has sort of been
a "plague" for the
Chinese economy
too, so maybe 
I should say 
"FIVE" plagues ?

I am very skeptical 
that official numbers 
coming out of China 
are accurate.

There have been 
multiple reports 
that indicate China 
has been falsely 
categorizing deaths 
of many victims, 
to keep the death 
toll down.

It is also suspicious 
that so many corpses 
are being taken directly 
from the hospitals 
to crematoriums,
in buses, after they die.

Here's a Johns Hopkins
US based estimate of the
number of cases:

African Swine Fever
This disease has already
devastated pork farms, 
from one end of China, 
to the other.  

no vaccine 
for “pig ebola”, 
and no cure.

There is no 
official pig census,
but it was believed 
that before this crisis, 
up to half the pigs 
in the entire world 
lived in China.

And up to 
of China’s pigs
have already  
been lost.

Those numbers 
suggest that 
about 25% to 35%
of all the pigs 
in the entire world 
have already died.

And this crisis 
is not over !

Contrary to official 
government reports
of recovery in China, 
more pigs are dying
every day.

China used to 
slaughter and eat 
about 700 million 
pigs each year.

But now Chinese
pork production 
has collapsed, 
so pork prices are 
at an all-time high, 
at just under $300 
per hundredweight.

Food inflation is soaring, 
and many Chinese people 
have been unable, 
or unwilling, to buy pork,
in the past six months.

This insidious disease 
has spread, especially
to Cambodia, North Korea, 
South Korea, Vietnam and 
the Philippines.

African Swine 
Fever does not 
affect humans.

H5N1 Bird Flu
We hadn't heard much 
about the H5N1 bird flu 
in recent years.

There's a very alarming 
resurgence of the 
H5N1 bird flu in China.

A ‘highly pathogenic’ 
strain of H5N1 bird flu 
killed 4,500 chickens.

The outbreak started 
at a farm in Shaoyang, 
in the southern province 
of Hunan, south of the 
Coronavirus in Wuhan.

Reuters and
The Daily Mail 
both reported that
Chinese authorities 
have already culled 
17,828 chickens.

Unlike African 
Swine Fever, 
humans can 
become infected 
by H5N1 bird flu.

The World Health 
Organization says
the mortality rate 
for human cases 
is a shocking 60% ! 

The H5N1 
bird flu 
was recently 
at a facility 
in India.

And H1N1 flu virus 
has claimed 13 
human lives 
in Taiwan, 
in just one week, 
according to the 
U.S. Centers for 
Disease Control 
         ( CDC ).

CDC Deputy 
Chuang Jen-hsiang 
said 116,705 people 
in Taiwan sought 
medical treatment 
for flu-like symptoms, 
at hospitals all across 
the country over the 
past week, leading to
61 more confirmed 
H1N1 flu cases
in Taiwan.

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