Sunday, November 28, 2021

"Why Crime Is Out Of Control in San Francisco", by Michael Shellenberger


"When Chesa Boudin ran for San Francisco district attorney in 2019, he said crime was caused by poverty, wealth inequality and inadequate government spending on social programs.

He called prostitution, open drug use and drug dealing “victimless crimes” and promised not to prosecute them.

The result has been an increase in crime so sharp that San Francisco’s liberal residents are now paying for private security guards, taking self-defense classes, and supporting a recall of Mr. Boudin, with a vote set for June 2022.

Retailers like Walgreens and Target are closing stores in the city, citing rampant shoplifting.

Last week, a shockingly organized mob of looters ransacked a downtown Louis Vuitton store.

Mr. Boudin and his defenders say crime in San Francisco has actually declined under his watch.

The store closings had little to do with shoplifting, they insist; Walgreens announced in 2019 it would close stores as a cost-saving measure.

And after the Louis Vuitton looting, Mr. Boudin talked tough on Twitter : “Standby for felony charges. Indeed, some crimes did decline, but for Covid-related reasons, while many other offenses increased.

The pandemic crimped tourism, which meant fewer car break-ins and less shoplifting, but both are now on the rise.

Car break-ins were 75% higher in May 2021 than in 2019, before the pandemic.

While it’s true that official incidents of shoplifting haven’t increased under Mr. Boudin, the punishment has changed—and the bad guys appear to have gotten the message.

In 2019, 40% of all shoplifting reports resulted in arrest; in 2021, under Mr. Boudin, only 19% did.

Walgreens says shoplifting is five times as high, and security costs 50 times as high, in its San Francisco stores as the chain wide average.

Meantime, the charging rate for theft by Mr. Boudin’s office declined from 62% in 2019 to 46% in 2021; for petty theft it fell from 58% to 35%.

San Francisco’s jail population has plummeted to 766 in 2021 from 2,850 in 2019. More than half of all offenders, and three-quarters of the most violent ones, who are released from jail before trial commit new crimes.

Like other progressive prosecutors around the country, Mr. Boudin has expressed great antipathy toward the police.

At his election-night party, a supporter led the crowd in a chant against the Police Officers’ Association: “F— the POA! F— the POA!”

The San Francisco Police Department is short 400 officers and demoralized. A security video obtained by the San Francisco Chronicle last week appeared to show officers allowing a robbery of a marijuana dispensary.

Total narcotics arrests declined by half from 2019 to 2021.

Mr. Boudin has increased charges for some crimes. The charging rate for rape rose from 43% to 53%, and for narcotics dealing from 47% to 60%, even as it declined for theft, illegal weapons and assault.

He appears to be following through on his promise to ignore quality-of-life crimes, but it’s also the case that the state has ordered local prosecutors to reduce prosecution of such crimes because of Covid.

The solution to San Francisco’s problems is relatively straightforward.

The city needs to shut down the drug scene by working with the federal government to deport dealers who are here illegally, most of whom are from Honduras;

arrest addicts who camp and use drugs publicly and offer them rehab as an alternative to jail; and

redevelop the squalid Tenderloin neighborhood, which, because of the influx of out-of-town addicts, fosters depravity and criminality affecting the entire city.

The situation has degenerated to the point that an opportunity exists for moderates to wrest power away from progressives like Mr. Boudin and implement a sweeping, common-sense political agenda.

What’s not clear is whether most San Franciscans want to do this, or could do it alone, without the involvement of California’s state government, which is sitting on a $31 billion budget surplus.

San Francisco is an uberliberal place, and Mr. Boudin is only the latest in a long line of progressive prosecutors.

In the mid-1990s voters elected Terence Hallinan, who had a history of illegal drug use and promised to stop arrests of street addicts and prostitutes.

When Mr. Boudin blamed crime on inequality in 2019, his message landed on sympathetic ears.

When he said he wouldn’t prosecute victimless crimes, he was singing a familiar hymn.

It may be that Mr. Boudin went too far, even for San Francisco’s progressive voters, with his statements justifying crime and demonizing the police.

But if history is any guide, they won’t have learned anything more from the experiment in lawlessness than they did from the one in the mid-1990s, and will almost certainly repeat it."

Mr. Shellenberger is the author of “San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities.”

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