Wednesday, March 18, 2020

March-April 2020 ECONOMIC LOGIC newsletter

After 43 years 
of writing a financial 
newsletter for subscribers, 
in 1981, the next issue of EL 
( March - April 2020 ) 
will be my last newsletter. 

After that newsletter, 
the content of 
the newsletter 
will be reformatted
into weekly posts 
on the free EL blog, 
right here at:

My goal for publishing 
the last newsletter 
is April 15, 2020
-- I need extra time 
to judge if Trump
is doing the right thing 
about COVID-19 flu, 
or not. 

Consider the 
current approach: 
  I don't know yet 
if it is really smart, 
or really dumb !  

I need a few more 
weeks to judge:

Type of Flu  /  Government Actions
All flu strains, 
excluding COVID-19,
... Happens every year,
with no government actions 
(may be 99% 
of all flu deaths
 in 2020 ?)       

COVID-19 only
-- Mandatory reduction
 of economic activity 
to recession level, 
for tbd weeks !
(may be 1% 
of all flu deaths
 in 2020 ?)                   
The March - April 2020 
newsletter subject will be: 
"Accomplishments of 
the Trump Administration". 

The first two years 
were covered in the 
January - February 2019 EL, 
and will be summarized 
in the March - April 2020 EL.  

The fight against COVID-19 
has to be included in the
next newsletter.

Hope the flu 
has avoided you.
    Ye Editor, 
Richard Greene, 

( TBW = Trained By Wife )

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