Monday, June 6, 2022

Short term indicator AAII Sentiment remains Bullish (but my seven market timing indicator average remains Bearish) -- 0% cash recommended for traders

This week the The news this week is   
Data Source:
BEARISH on May 1, 2022:
MODERATELY  BEARISH on April 17, 2022:
MODERATELY  BEARISH on February 8, 2022:
My average of seven useful indicators works better than any one stock market timing indicator.  
This AAII Sentiment indicator has been bullish for 17 weeks in a row, indicating that the stock market is oversold. But unlike in past years, there was no rebound for 15 weeks, until last week. The last time this indicator was so bullish was from May through August 2020. This is the only short term market timing indicator I track, of the seven market timing indicators I follow. AAII Sentiment replaced my prior short term indicator, the Put / Call Ratio, that I had followed from 1977 through 2005. The P/C Ration had stopped working in 2005. AAII Sentiment seems to have stopped working in 2022.
AAII Sentiment does NOT tell us if we are in a bull market or a bear market. It tells us if stocks are "overbought" or "oversold". It only tells is if buying stocks today is a good idea for the next few weeks. The weekly indicator can change a lot in a few weeks. AAII Sentiment is a contrary opinion sentiment indicator, so it is bullish when AAII individual investors are bearish, and vice versa, recommending from 0% to 100% cash in a common stock portfolio. Based on market sentiment from an anonymous online poll of members of the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII).  The four-week moving average has much less volatility than weekly data, but active stock traders should prefer the weekly data.
Week Ending on June 1, 2022: 
46.3% of AAII Investors were bullish 
(was 27.0% bullish = BULLISH last week) 

Four  Week  Moving  Average: 
35.1% of AAII Investors were bullish
(was 32.0% bullish = BULLISH last week)
Recommended Portfolio Cash
percentage for short term traders: 
 = 0%
(was 0% cash last week)
Data for the week ending 6/1/22: 
32,0% were Bullish  (an unusually large increase in one week)
   (was 19.8% last week)
(lowest in my records, going back to 2005)
30.9% were Neutral 
    (was 26.7%)
37.1% were Bearish 
    (was 53.5%)
AAII  Indicator  Analysis:
    ( over 80% is Bearish )
( 71% to 80% is Moderately Bearish )
( 50% to 70% is Neutral )
( 40% to 49% is Moderately Bullish ) 
  ( under 40% is Bullish

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