Sunday, August 21, 2022

The ECONOMIC LOGIC stock market timing indicators remain Bearish at -4 1/2 (range from -7 to +7)

   Economic  Logic 

  Stock  Market 
Timing  Indicators
On August 19, 2022 with the S&P 500 at 4,228.48

Indicator  Total
- 4 1/2   Bearish

(was -3  Bearish on April 29, 2022 with the S&P500 at 4131.9
(was -2 1/2 Moderately Bearish on April 15, 2022 with the S&P500 at 4.392.59
(was -1 Neutral on March 10, 2022 with the S&P500 at 4,259.49
( Was  -2  Moderately Bearish on February 8, 2022 with the S&P500 at 4,521.54
The  Seven  Indicators:
    Short  term  indicator                              
(1) AAII  Sentiment  Ratio
---   Moderately Bullish at 44.7% bullish,
       for the 8/17/22 four-week average 
    Medium  term  indicators 
(2) Election  Year  Cycle
 --- Neutral, 
until the end of 2022
(3) Seasonality  Cycle
--- Bearish, 
for six months, starting May 1, 2022
(4) Corporate  Insider  Trading
--- Bearish, 
for the past four weeks

see prior post

(5) Federal  Reserve  Policy
 --- Bearish,  
After many years 
of a huge expansion   
of Federal Reserve Credit, 
and the resulting high inflation, 
the uptrend has ended, 
so this indicator is Bearish, 
based on actions
in the past month

    Long  term  indicators
(6) S&P500  Price to Sales Ratio
--- Bearish at 2.62
on August 19, 2022
Low  0.80  March 2009
High  3.04  December 2021
(P/S Ratio updated after every trading day)

(7) S&P500  Dividend  Yield
 --- Bearish at 2.3% 
Assuming that dividends equal 50% 
of the latest four quarters
of S&P500 "as reported" earnings
( $197.91 for 2Q 2021 through 1Q 2022 )
For  the  Indicator  Total:
+3  to  +7         = Bullish
+1.5  to + 2.5   = Moderately Bullish
-1  to  +1          =  Neutral
-1.5  to  -2.5     = Moderately Bearish
-3  to  -7           = Bearish
For  an  individual  indicator:
Bullish                      = +1 point
Moderately Bullish  = +0.5 points
Neutral                      = 0 points
Moderately Bearish  = -0.5 points

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